7:38PM Monday
It's hot today. I'm in the studio. I pulled out the air conditioner that was in my little storage area. It's on wheels, a portable unit. I put the hose out the window and covered up the remainder of the window with canvas. It's on, giving off cool air, but I can't tell if it's working because I haven't been outside since this morning. I do know that nothing is drying because it's humid. So I spent a lot of time today watching paint dry. In the winter, it's great because the heat is so high and dry, everything dries real fast and I can just keep moving along, but not this summer weather. I think I managed to get a lot done today, more than I thought.
This morning, I dropped off my stuff at the studio and then left to walk to the post office, which was nice. I got some stamps and dropped off some letters and some movies to Netflix. I think we sent back Spinal Tap. I added a couple more Fasbinder movies to our list on Netflix. After seeing the Fassbinder film with Douglas, "Fox and His Friends", I want to watch more.
I spoke with my friend Justin today. He's in Germany. Justin gave me 6 boxes of old Artforum magazines from the 60's and early 70's. I have four of the boxes here and two were sent back because the US Postal system is shit.

I put on the radio today in the studio, Air America, to listen to what was going on in the world of politics. I used to listen to Air America a lot, but now that Al Franken is gone, I listen less. He was the funniest and the best and I hope he wins the Senate seat he's running for in Minnesota.

Yesterday, Jonathan and I went to play ping-pong at this place in the west village we go to when we feel like ping-pong. It's a great place - a basement with pool tables, a bar and ping pong tables. Jonathan won best out of five sets, which is a nice change (for him!). I think he won because I had a beer and he had a coconut mocachino from Dunkin Donuts. I was too relaxed and he kicked my ass. We made tuna steaks for dinner because I wanted to feel like I was on the island still (boo hoo).
That's it for today. It's too hot to sit here and type and I want to clean up the mess I made in the studio today. Enjoy your monday night.

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