I'm in the studio and it's late already. I left the house late this morning, had to shave and pack a few things to bring with me to the studio, and now the all important morning hours are almost gone, and I have to go to a couple (art) openings tonight, so there goes the evening. Maybe it's just as well because I spent 12 hours yesterday working on this painting that I don't like today and I need to step back and figure out how to 'fix' it, or start something new. My show in November in Vienna feels like it's only five minutes from now because it takes so long to finish the projects I
want to do. There's a video I want to complete, that will either take one week or two months, one of those loose cannon ideas that is hard to gauge how long it will take, or if it will even work. I already have a full calendar of things I need to do this summer, in and out of the studio. I have to manage time better, but I think I already do a good job of that. I really wish I had a twin....or at least my sister to help me. I'm thinking that's my next plan, to get my sister involved to work with me. We're less than a year apart in age, so that's basically the same as twins, and if you're twins, you may as well be the same person, so the dream I have of having two of me to get all the things done I want to get done in this lifetime, may materialize in the form of my sister. We shall see, who knows. Or maybe I'll just make a robot that I can boss around.
Since it's so late in the day already I'm going to keep this brief and get to work in the studio. I've pasted some photographs below that were sent to me while I was away in St. Barth. Thanks for all the great pictures! Before you get to those, here is a picture of my sister from my last show with Salon 94 and The Project, here in New York:
"Self-portrait, Augmented Landscape, Portrait of Liz"
This from Jonathan Meniz in New York on June 22nd:
"Check out this picture I took in the bus today of this old lady, she looks like Yves Saint Laurent..."
This from Nancy Ford on July 10th (her garden in Chicago) :
This from Jessica Watson in Greece on June 22nd:
"a no ice cream and no smoking sign in a Muslim library in Greece"
This from Brody Reiman in Tiburon, California on June 27th:
"i was thinking about a sky/tree/hedge stackish landscape for an 'on location' weather report (for the blog) and then cole ran by..."