It's Friday the 13th, 7:39PM
In the studio. Overcast, slight sun. Been in the studio all day, cutting paper. Things take a long time to do, even cutting shapes from paper. It's a slow news day. Air America (radio) has been talking about Congress arresting Harriet Meyers for contempt of Congress because she refused to show up for questioning. Imagine, just a moment ago she was Bush's candidate to be a Supreme Court Justice and now she's

I may go to the beach tomorrow with Jonathan and his little nephew, Miguel. Miguel is a lot of fun. We'll probably go to a beach in New Jersey because we'd have to got get Miguel on the train and then train it to the beach. I need to get out of here anyway, even if it is to New Jersey. It's fun bringing Miguel places because everyone knows what it's like being a kid and bored at home, especially in the summer. Sunday it's supposed to rain so tomorrow would be the better day to go.
It feels very disingenuous writing in the blog/novel lately because you can only write about certain things, and other things you have to keep private. It's a real drag. Plus, I continually ask myself why am I even writing this blog/novel anyway. I can see writing just to write, but why do I bother publishing it for people to read, some readers I know, but apparently there are also a lot of strangers reading. I guess it's interesting to some extent.....blather. It still feels narcissistic and fake though, because it's censored to a degree. One of these days I'm going to stop publishing it up on the web, and just keep it to myself. But I'm here today, and babbling, so anyway....hello out there, whoever you are.
Spoke to Monique today. You may know Monique from previous entries to the blog in St. Barth. She came down to visit for a week. She's now in Fresno with her parents, helping them remodel a home from scratch, so she's making many trips to Home Depot and walking around with hammers, nails and measuring tapes. I wish I were in the Central Valley of California right now, can't be any hotter than it is here in NYC.
Let's see, what else. Oh, Jonathan and I read a great article in the paper this morning on the way in on the subway. It was about bottled water and how it's so wasteful, from the production and recycling of the plastic to the cost of purchasing a bottle. The water in New York City is exceptional. It's healthy AND it tastes really good, so people that buy bottled water in the city because they are afraid of the tap water are ignorant and wasteful, and they don't know what they are missing. When I was in St. Barth, I missed being able to drink from the tap. It was necessary to buy water on the island for drinking because there is no fresh water on the island. In New York, we're lucky, the water is good. So if you are reading this in the city, stop buying bottled water. Buy one bottle and save the bottle and keep refilling it from the tap.
That's all for today. I'm want to get some more work done before I leave for the night, especially since I'm not working tomorrow if we go to the beach.
I'm afraid the blog may not be as interesting as it was when I was in St. Barth, but oh well. I'm still doing it, for now. The days here are not filled with adventure and beach, but are filled with smaller adventures, like subway rides and walks to the deli to get lunch, etc etc.
I think I'll write a longer post this weekend that perhaps will be more interesting, but for now, have a good weekend. There are only so many weekends that constitute a summer, so make the most of it.