Woke this morning, chatted with Maya and then we put her bags in the car and went off to the tiny airport with the tiny planes where we found out the tiny airline was on strike. The tiny airline consists of about five people, including the person working the desk. So, she’s here for another day, which is nice, she can show me a new beach today. Here’s a picture of one of the pilots of the tiny planes, picking up his sock, bored, on strike, while commuters stand around, annoyed that they can’t get off the island:

One of the dragons just walked over onto the porch. They aren’t afraid of me and I guess I’m getting a little used to it, as long as they stay off the porch. I’ll write more later tonight, hopefully something more interesting, but for now, here is a small movie of one of the crazy birds that splashes around in the bird bath here on the porch, and below that is a picture of said dragon: